Monday, July 20, 2015

Entrants Verified - Designs due

The eight participants are confirmed -

Billy H
Martin Marquis
Joel Morrison
John Christensen
Joseph Reynolds
Brent York
Jeff DuBois
John Blaylock

I have Billy's design with a question
I have Joel's design ready to roll
I have Jeff's design but haven't checked it yet

Brent is out of pocket until the 26th, so I'm giving a full week for designs to be submitted. This gives Brent time as well (don't want to penalize him for having time with his wife!).

Deadline for designs is 11 pm my time on 7/27.

If you have any questions, let me know!

Also - my Patreon for my songwriting went live earlier this evening. Feel free to give it a look and share it...

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Patreon page!

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Patreon page!

A lot of gaming podcasts I listen to use Patreon to allow fans to show 'support' and get rewards, etc. I have decided to start a campaign for the PBEM's that I run. I am in no way charging admission - you are NOT required to pay anything (think of this as a tip jar) and the games will always be free to play! You can, however, get 'preferred seating' with a small monthly pledge.

Note that I am not selling the game or any component of the game, I am simply accepting tips to help cover my time. I have purchased everything I've used on here so far and will continue to purchase PDF's of maps, current rules, etc. This campaign helps me cover some of those costs.

Thank you in advance if you choose to support! If you don't, that's okay too. :-) We are still friends. :-)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

MH44 - First Deadline Passsed

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

MH44 - First Deadline Passsed

Good morning!

I ended up sitting in with another band last night so wasn’t around for the deadline. My wife is working 36 hours straight on the ambulance and had not had supper, so I took her some food and we ate LATE last night. So I drove home after midnight and crawled into bed. :-)

Several things to report here… First and foremost a big THANK YOU to Martin Marquis for dropping a little something in the tip jar! I don't have a link set up but have gotten some tips by way of PayPal. He now joins Billy in having a permanent spot in each and every game I host from here on out! If you'd like the same, let me know!

Paul Spence & Ed Moser did not reply by the deadline. This is actually two events in a row they didn't reply to. If you know either of them give them a heads up... They may have changed email and not been getting the requests... Until I hear from them I'll drop them from the waiting list.

Dropping Paul & Ed adds Peter (no last name given) and Brent York. Last event saw a no reply from Peter as well, so if he doesn't reply within 48 hours he will be dropped as well. Brent is one of my high school gaming buddies and the guy that introduced Car Wars to me way back in the day! They have until 10 am 7/20 to reply...

Josephy Reynolds DID reply, so he is in! Still waiting a little over a day for Travis Works to make a confirmation...

That's it for this update! I had someone ask when designs are due. I'm hesitant to give a deadline until the eight players are locked in, but Joel has already turned his in. Feel free to start designing!


Thursday, July 16, 2015

MH44 - Division and restrictions

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

MH44 - Division and restrictions

This will be Division 10 using the Classic Car Wars rules. This is the box set that was released about this time last year. You can also get a PDF copy from Warehouse 23 - 

Anything that is in those rules is fair game except for dropped weapons of any kind or ramplates. Hand weapons ARE allowed and the cost of hand weapons, body armor, etc. must be part of the $10,000 you have for the car.

At the beginning, the eight gates will have the cars assigned randomly. You will be facing just ONE opponent at first in your little area. After 5 turns the 'tunnel' between your corner and the one next to you will open. You don't have to travel through it as you might be busy with your immediate opponent! Or it might turn into 2 vs 1.

After 5 more turns (Turn 10) the tunnels to the center area will open. You are not required to move directly there, but if you are NOT there when the tunnels close after 5 more turns (Turn 15) you will be disqualified.

The winner of the event is the last man alive in the center area. Since this is somewhat of an amateur night event you will have a driver only and you will be limited to 30 skill points spent however you would like.

Reflex rolls will be made - NOT fixed reflex (again, using Classic rules). I will be using the MADHAT spreadsheet to track ammo, damage, etc. and you are welcome to use it to design, but you are not required to. Feel free to use any tool you have access to.

I have NOT made a deadline for submissions as I am still waiting on all the players to confirm their participation, but you are welcome to go ahead and be working on a design and submitting. You will NOT know your gate position until all designs are in checked.

Here's a link to the page with the spreadsheet - the latest is madhat2015 - the one at the bottom...

Here's the map again. This is from L'Outrance and is 1/4 scale, so each of the 1/4" squares is actually 1". Tell you what - I'll add some cars to give you a sense of scale...

You'll notice that it is VERY close quarters, so combat should be fast and furious...

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Map Chosen

Per suggestion of Martin, I'm going to use the Brewer's Cellar map from L'Outrance.

The way this will work, each of the eight gates will have a car. The 'tunnels' between the areas will initially be closed, so it will be 1 on 1 in each of the four outer areas.

After a predetermined time, the top and bottom tunnels will open, allowing those cars access to each other.

After another predetermined time, the four tunnels leading to the middle will open, allowing cars inside the center area.

After yet another predetermined time, ALL tunnels will close. The last man standing in the center area is the winner. If you're not in the center when the tunnels close you are eliminated.

Division will be LOW - maybe 5 or 10? Still not 100% sure on that. I will be adding two more players to make it 8...

More details as it develops...


Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Now that MH43 is over -

- it's time to start working on the next one...

Any ideas?